Diabetes and Mental Health

Individuals with pre-diabetes, or the full-blown condition, may experience personality changes (i.e., mood swings, irritability). We have to pay close attention to loved ones who suddenly have personality changes and suggest immediate medical attention. While these clues are important, we have to view diabetes from another perspective to understand what may happen for loved ones taking psychiatric medications.

Metabolic Syndrome is a group of risk factors which nurtures coronary artery disease, stroke, and Type 2 diabetes.  The symptoms are elevated levels of cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and excess belly fat.  Two medications closely associated with the syndrome are Clorazil (schizophrenia) and Zyprexa (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder). These medications can elevate cholesterol and blood sugars five-fold, creating a profoundly dangerous health condition.


Anger Management

All of us become angry every now and again.  It’s a healthy emotion. We’re capable of recognizing the anger and calming ourselves down before it gets out of control. But when should individuals seek counseling before the anger governs their lives?  The following are a couple of examples:

  • A want to maintain the anger internally.
  • Repetitive arguments with spouse, friends, and co-workers.

RED ALERT. When the problem has escalated and therapy is a must:

  • Verbal violence (i.e., name calling, swearing, making threats against individuals, their property)
  • Destructive behavior such as breaking items.
  • Problems with the law.
  • Engaging in physical violence towards loved ones.

Individuals with anger management problems may have underlying depression and if  they refuse to enter therapy, may experience psychiatric difficulties because the brain chemistry has altered.

Anger management therapy will teach the patient to use anger constructively.  They will take their frustrations and develop clarity.  The patient will also learn how to discuss feelings they’re experiencing, instead of verbal violence towards others.  Finally, therapy will help the patient avoid searching for alcohol and illegal substances for a means of escape.
