When Psychiatrists And Law Enforcement Have The Same Role

Protecting The Public From Harm, And Preventing Someone Diagnosed With A Mental Condition From Becoming Public Enemy Number 1 – A person has to wonder how many people have been needlessly killed, and severely injured since “A Dangerous Mental Health Condition” was published in days gone by, https://vikkisuttonpsychblog.com/category/a-dangerous-mental-health-condition/, and other articles over the years discussing mental health conditions and violence.

To be sure, psychiatrists and law enforcement have a lot on their plate!

The former has an enormous caseload of patients they have to treat in their practice, while the latter is dealing with any number of Homeland Security issues on a daily basis.

Combining A Mental Health Condition With Guns In The Household – Do people have a right to have guns in their households to protect themselves from the nefarious elements in their immediate environment? Yes, they do. However, a mental health condition and guns in the household are a dangerous combination. No one with a mental health condition should have access to guns because those individuals are not in their correct frame of mind. They will not use guns responsibly!

Kudos to family members, psychiatrists, and police officers who take these conditions seriously by taking actions humanly possible to prevent tragedy from occurring.  Be that as it may, there is a SERIOUS disconnect when someone with a psychotic break ends up harming the public, and there were entities who were aware of the situation and did nothing at all to create a positive outcome.  No one should have to die because they have a mental health problem, nor should members of the public be subjected to violence because of the individual with said issue.


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