The Anxiety Series, Part II, Toxic Relationships

“A toxic relationship contaminates your self-esteem, your happiness and the way you see yourself and the world” (Young, 2019).


The toxicity could be with:

– Spouse;

– Partner;

– Relative;

– Co-worker, or

– Neighbor.


Also, the issue could be the corporate culture at work.  It was appealing initially, and then became miserable because of nonsensical policies instituted over the years.  Employees no longer believe hard, smart work is appreciated.  Thus, smart and talented workers are no longer appreciated.

Returning to when another person is creating a toxic relationship:  The person suffering needs to determine if a pattern of behavior exists to remove any doubts about what is actually occurring.

The toxicity goes well beyond having a personality clash with someone.  The person with the toxic personality can be hypercritical, argumentative unprovoked, and has a disturbed belief they should have authority over the target.

If allowed, the individual with a toxic personality will stifle one’s creativity, and suffocate a person’s emotional and mental good health.  Also, the target will no longer believe in their capabilities because the toxic individual took self-efficacy away from the target.

There are individuals who argue everyday with family members, spouses, partners, etc.  These individuals will say that is how all of them get along.  Be that as it may, what they fail to realize is arguing that often is damaging their health.  Also, each instance they speak to others outside of those relationships there is an argument-at-the-ready tone in their voice which can be an unpleasant experience, in particular for those with an easy-going personality.

Cory (n.d.) talks about how a toxic relationship can be a dangerous relationship in, Toxic Relationships:  What They Are And 8 Types Of Toxic Individuals.


Finally, everyone has a right to view themselves in a positive light with healthy self-confidence.  Therefore, when an entity comes along with questionable intentions with the motive to damage someone in any form, that is an entity best left alone.

Listen to your intuition.  Observe patterns of behavior.  That vibe.  Don’t allow yourself in becoming victimized.

Stay safe!





Cory, T. L., Ph.D. (n.d.).  Toxic Relationships:  What They Are And 8 Types Of Toxic Individuals.  Retrieved From


Young, K., Ph.D. (2019).  15 Signs Of A Toxic Relationship. Retrieved From