Commentary – Behavioral Problems in America

One of the topics addressed on this blog earlier pertains to members of society who are easily offended.  This post speaks further on the subject.

They’re always ready to leap through the ceiling, toss an insult, swing a punch, and worse over circumstances which have nothing whatsoever to do with them, or minute situations. Thus, they’ve imagined negativity where none exists, or their thinking can’t advance clarity because they’re emotionally wound too tightly.


  • Learned behavior
  • Irritable disposition
  • Anger management problems (Depression)
  • Substance abuse (Legal and illegal drugs)
  • Blow to the head
  • Deep-brain Injury
  • Lack of emotional maturation
  • Lack of strong coping mechanisms
  • And, of course, associations waiting to be discovered through research

And there are members of society who look for insults.  It has to be stated that whatever a person looks for they will certainly find.  Because of their negative mindset, their view is limited.

A good argument can be made that people look for offenses because they see themselves in a negative light.  They project how they feel about themselves (damaged self-esteem) onto people they may, or may never have personally met.  No intimate knowledge (family, friends, life events, conversations with, etc.).

These issues are pervasive across America.

Two important aspects in life are having that easy-does-it attitude, and a high tolerance level.  Also, when a person can state they have self-efficacy, believe they’re a good person, AND are always a work in progress, that’s what healthy self-esteem resembles.

Tragically, many people in this country can’t utter those words with conviction, and without arrogance.

So now the question is:  How to lift up individuals with these mental health difficulties?

First, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can assist people learn new thinking patterns and strong coping mechanisms.  Individuals with an irritable disposition can learn to have patience with themselves before they can extend same onto others.  Second, medication and CBT can help people with anger management issues.  Third, people suffering with substance abuse will require extensive therapy (rehab) to eliminate substances and understand the why they reached for these substances in the first place.  Healthy coping mechanisms can help them when facing challenging life events.  Fourth, individuals with a blow to the head, or deep-brain injury have to be placed under strict supervision with their families and numerous specialized doctors.  Fifth, people with low emotional maturation will have to…and here’s the blunt truth…grow up!  Finally, a therapist using CBT may find out that some individuals with unhealthy coping mechanisms also have learned helplessness.  The clinicians can promote self-efficacy for these patients.

But how many of these individuals will actually seek therapy?  Some individuals turn up their nose to the idea of obtaining mental health treatment.  And if they do enter therapy, they’ll have to realize that the clinicians can only do so much for them.  Patients have to perform the majority of the work to get on the road to recovery.*  Too many patients want quick fixes.

And as I’ve stated earlier, patients should never view themselves, nor refer to themselves as a mental health condition.  They’re human beings first, their condition is secondary.

*Patients with a blow to the head, or deep-brain injury have more critical health situations.

