Bringing Awareness, Not Sensationalism

Behavioral Science

Over the past decade, this blogger has made attempts to post behavioral science topics so that the reader can acquire the necessary information to improve their health and have a better understanding of this particular discipline. Along the way, where appropriate, there were light-hearted posts to inform the reader that psychology is not all gloom and doom. There are many entertaining, amusing elements of behavioral science. Of course, there were instances where spirituality was combined with psychology when explaining a particular subject.

Be that as it may, there are certain areas of behavioral science this blogger will not report on because they will only be viewed, in my opinion, as sensationalism. Having read a myriad of case studies that reflect certain areas of behavioral sciences (nauseous inducing and head spinning!), they would serve no purpose for the reader but to shock the senses right out of them. Those areas of behavioral science, I believe, should remain with those of us who’ve studied the discipline.

The aim here is to improve one’s quality of life.
