When a Friend is Grieving*


There are no easy answers to help a friend when they experience a death in the family. The only thing we can do is consider a few things  to help minimize suffering.  Visit often and keep them company.  We don’t even have to utter a word. Just being there is gratifying because they won’t feel alone. Purchase groceries, help with household  chores, and go along with them to run errands. When we believe they’re ready for social activities, take them someplace that’s low-key (i.e., a quiet restaurant, or invite them over for dinners with a limited number of guests).  They require a comfort zone, and we don’t want to overstimulate their emotions. If they indicate that they can’t move beyond the grief, inform them gently that it’s a process and takes awhile.  Finally, it’s good for them to discuss the beautiful memories they had with their loved one.  It allows the deceased to live forever.

*If a friend experiences mild depression for approximately six months, it’s advisable they seek counseling immediately.


The Psychopath*

Psychopathy is a personality disorder with the following traits:

Lack of remorse (The Hallmark)

Lack of conscience

Lack of regard for others

Pathological liar


Emotionally bankrupt


Criminal and could become violent

Any age, gender, socioeconomic background

While someone with an Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is not a psychopath, the psychopath can be antisocial, creating a comorbidity (more than one disorder).  The following are traits for ASPD:

First Level – Immoral/Non-Criminal




Often angry and arrogant

A need to bring down others to raise their own standing

Second Level – Criminality


Lack of remorse


Potential for violence

May have been incarcerated

We need to add another layer to the psychopath.  If a psychopath possesses ASPD, they are also a narcissist because the former and latter have similar traits.  The following are traits for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD):

Self-centered (The Hallmark)

Exaggeration of talents and achievements


Takes advantage of other people to achieve their own goals

Have excessive feelings of self-importance

Have unreasonable expectations

Reacts to criticism with shame, rage, and humiliation

Remain vigilant to prevent from becoming a victim.

*Between 50 – 75% of the American violent prison population are psychopaths.


Mental Health Recovery: Healing the Entire Body


Along with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, drug therapy where necessary, Pet Therapy, and a few other disciplines mentioned in earlier posts, there are others which benefit the individual recovering from mental health difficulties.  The therapist can suggest them during stages of the recovery process to bring maximum outcomes.

Acupuncture A licensed practitioner inserts needles in various points in the body to give relief to the individual from aches brought on from mental health problems.

Exercise Fitness routines are so important for members of the general population to engage in, and particularly individuals with mental health difficulties.  Exercising allows them to look outward instead of focusing on psychological issues.  Additionally, endorphins (a group of neurotransmitters) are released throughout the body during fitness routines.  The individual is now placed in a calmer, happier frame of mind.

Massage Therapy A lower body immune system can result from lengthy mental health problems.  This particular discipline removes the agonizing tension by a licensed practitioner manipulating the deep layers of the muscles and connective tissue, giving a sharp boost to the immune system.

Positive Psychology It can be devastating news when a person is diagnosed with a mental health issue, and result with a loss of self-esteem.  This discipline assists in returning self-worth, joy, continuation of goals, and has the individual living instead of merely existing. Positive Psychology doesn’t ignore the medical condition, but primarily focuses attention on the individual’s fine qualities. As a result, the individual will understand that they are still a good parent, spouse, neighbor, friend, son, daughter, nephew, aunt, grandparent, uncle, and excel in their profession.  The individual will also learn that even though they have a medical condition, they should never define themselves by their condition.

Positive Relationships Everyone should be involved in positive relationships.  For the individual experiencing mental health problems, it’s so vitally important that relationships are positive with family, friends, employers, and co-workers.  As a result, the therapist may inform them that negative relationships were contributing factors in the medical condition.

There are various ethically-approved disciplines available for the individual experiencing mental health challenges. They can experience a life of fulfillment with many wonderful opportunities awaiting them.
