Fun, Mental Speed Exam, Cognition

The following self-test allow participants to learn how rapidly they “…can process information and make decisions based upon that information” (Psychology Today, 2018):


Mental Speed Test – Version 1





Psychology Today (2018). Mental Speed Test – Version 1. Retrieved from


Psychologists, Conservative Ideology, Bias In The Workplace

When a person studies Mental Health at university, then graduates, that individual is about helping members of society.  When that same individual becomes a therapist with strong ethics, performing assessments and administering techniques which can allow the patient to have a better quality of life, that is a professional who should be looked upon favorably.  Unfortunately, that is not true for the therapist with a Conservative mindset.

In Where Are The Conservative Psychologists Hiding? And Why? , (Herbert, 2012) indicates that being a Conservative Mental Health professional is a challenging experience, even before the hiring process begins.  In fact, the experience is opposite what the Mental Health community symbolizes and required to practice, on many levels.  Also, the experience perpetuates difficulties analogous to what the elderly, disabled, racial and ethnic, gender (male and female), and LGBT groups deal with in society.






Herbert, W. (2012). Where Are The Conservative Psychologists Hiding?  And Why?  Huffington Post.  Retrieved from