Unlocking a Brighter Future for Locked-In Syndrome

It’s devastating when someone experiences a stroke!  To worsen matters, there’s the possibility of acquiring Locked-In Syndrome (LIS) which can rob them of their dignity. Science Daily (2013) reported that,

“LIS results from a lesion to the brainstem, which can occur when a stroke impacts this specific small area at the junction between the spinal cord and the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The lesion blocks the brain’s motor pathways, resulting in almost complete paralysis.”

Please share this article with loved ones who have risk factors for stroke.


Science Daily. (2013). Unlocking a Brighter Future for Locked-In Syndromehttp://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/10/131017080702.htm From Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.


Conversion Disorder: A Neurological Issue

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If an individual is going to suffer psychologically from a stressful/traumatic event, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is generally the condition they will experience.  However, there are individuals who may experience repressed memory.  This difficulty pertains to the brain’s inability to handle the event, the individual attempting to block memory of the event, with memory of the event tossed involuntarily into the subconscious (unconsciousness). Another result which can occur from these events is a conversion disorder.  Let’s place this medical condition under a microscope for examination.

A conversion disorder is when the individual experiences neurological ailments brought on soon after an emotionally stressful event, with neurological assessments unable to rationalize the problem.  The disorder can leave the individual with sudden numbness, paralysis, deafness, blindness, seizures, mute, and other neurological difficulties. Members of the population who are more at risk are those who have had earlier physical ailments, or mental health issues (i.e., dissociative disorder [escape from reality], or a personality disorder). Also, there is no malingering on the individual’s part because these physical challenges are genuine.

In particular circumstances, ailments can dissipate automatically within a few weeks.  Be that as it may, an individual needs to seek medical attention immediately.  Psychotherapy, stress management, and physical rehabilitation are valuable treatments in bringing relief for those who experience neurological issues from these types of events.
